Brain for Business
Brain for Business
Series 2, Episode 37: The challenge and opportunity of CEO activism, with Asst Professor Moritz Appels, Rotterdam School of Management

Series 2, Episode 37: The challenge and opportunity of CEO activism, with Asst Professor Moritz Appels, Rotterdam School of Management

When people consider a new employer they might think about a number of key factors, including location, salary, opportunities for growth and advancement, pension and others.

One factor which has emerged in recent years is consideration of a potential employers stance on social issues, most particularly relating to their values.  More than this, however, research by our guest today – Professor Moritz Appels – highlights that potential hires also consider a CEO’s sociopolitical activism in evaluating how attractive a new, potential employer might be.

About our guest…

Moritz Appels is an Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour at the Department of Organisation and Personnel Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. He obtained his doctoral degree from the University of Mannheim in 2022.

His research illuminates how the behaviour of corporate actors shapes and is shaped by organizational and societal change, with a particular focus on the relationship between strategic leadership, social evaluations, and the broader socio-political environment. A particular focus of his work is the impact of corporate and CEO activism—e.g., speaking out on gun ownership in the U.S.—on stakeholder behaviours. He is likewise involved in understanding the environmental and dispositional antecedents of top managers’ engagement in organisational and societal change.

You can find out more about Moritz and his work at these links:

Brain for Business
Brain for Business
The Brain for Business, Brain for Life podcast takes the lessons from evidence-based academic research in the brain, behavioural and organisational sciences - neuroscience, psychology, behavioural economics and more - and brings them to life for a business and organisational audience.
Over the series we will speak to a range of neuroscientists, psychologists, behavioural economists, researchers and organisational practitioners, and look at some of the key aspects of human behaviour relevant to business and management practice. In so doing, we will seek to understand not just the what but also the how and the why – and how it can be done differently
Our overall goal? To build a bridge from research into the brain and behavioural sciences to practical, everyday insights and to help leaders at all levels within organisations enhance their effectiveness.